My CO2 Fill Device is leaking from the fill nose.
The black gasket needs to be replaced. This is a simple 2-minute repair: See a video by clicking here, or see pages 11-12 in the user manual.
The black gasket needs to be replaced. This is a simple 2-minute repair: See a video by clicking here, or see pages 11-12 in the user manual.
If your CO2 Fill Device is leaking from around the spindle under the activation knob, the inner O-ring has developed a leak. Please contact us or contact the company you bought it from for assistance.
Ensure that the body of the CO2 Fill Device is fully tightened down against the tank’s brass fitting. If this doesn’t resolve the leak, the black soda maker gasket inside the Soda Maker CO2 Fill Device needs to be replaced. This is a simple 2-minute
The O-ring on the brass fitting of the Paintball CO2 Tank needs to be replaced. This is a simple 1-minute repair: See page 18 of the user manual.